I will help your product to get appearance on the Internet and gain popularity with users

But first let’s get acquainted with each other:)
Hi! My name is Artem Chernukha and I am a product designer. I develop digital products starting from simple landing pages and ending with interfaces for mobile and web applications. In addition to creating "beautiful pictures" that the user will see, I study and analyze the target audience and their needs. I also create concepts that combine functionality, convenience and the use of new technologies. When creating designs, I follow design principles and create style guides for each project to simplify the work for developers and other designers in the future. My works stand out for their functionality, reliability, convenience and, most importantly, they give pleasure to the user. This is the secret of my work:)

How I can help you



All together

I will help you develop a design for your website, platform or mobile application that will not only be convenient and functional, but also help your product stand out in the market and attract the attention of your target audience.
I develop websites on the popular Tilda and Webflow platforms. I will create a website of any complexity for your services or product.
This package includes the creation of a design and its subsequent transfer to Webflow or Tilda platforms. This will help to distinguish your brand from competitors, improve its recognition and increase the efficiency of conversion into sales.
Some of the companies and people I worked with
development of a corporate web application for employees of the Gazprom division
About company:
Gazprom is a global energy company engaged in the production and sale of natural gas and oil. The company is a holding company and contains several branches.
My role:
As a UI/UX designer, I was engaged in conducting UX research and designing the user interface. The purpose of the research was to study the future users in order to make the application user-friendly and understandable for all categories of users. After conducting qualitative and quantitative research in the form of surveys and interviews, I created several interactive prototypes of the application in Figma to conduct a usability test. The research results allowed me to create an ideal scenario for the application (user flow) and a user-friendly interface. Research has also helped to significantly shorten the development process. The application is a 5-letter game (Wordle), where the user had to guess several words of 5-8 letters and for each guessed word he received a Christmas tree toy that decorated the user's Christmas tree and allowed him to improve his New Year's prizes in the New Year's Drawing.
development of an application for conducting excursions for new employees and visitors to the offices of AVITO.
About company:
Avito is one of the largest online commerce platforms, which is among the top 3 best e-commerce companies in Russia.
My role:
In this project, the company provided the necessary information, so UX research was not required. I had 2 main tasks: to develop an interface for tour participants and to develop admin panel for tour organisers. After analysing the data provided, I created an interactive prototype in Figma, after that we conducted several interface tests on small groups of users. After each test, I exchanged opinions with the front-end and back-end developers about implementation of new features and mechanics. Each test allowed us to see the flaws in the interface and helped us to improve the user experience in the future. In the case of creating an admin panel, I used the same approach. As a result of our work, our team managed to create an intuitive application that will help new employees and guests quickly navigate the Avito office.
Development of websites for travel companies
About company:
Smolyar Consulting International is a company providing consulting services on PR and strategic marketing in the field of tourism and hospitality.
My role:
I've collaborated with this company on several projects. In these collaborations, I acted as a web designer and my task was to develop websites for travel agencies and for international conferences. My responsibilities included conducting interviews, prototyping and developing websites, their SEO optimization and connecting CRM systems. My achievements: with the help of my websites, we managed to attract investments in the amount of $150,000 to hold a conference for the leading travel agencies in Russia, and the average conversion rate for the sale of my sites was 9%.
Development of a website for a sports event
About customer:
Konstantin Tszyu is a Soviet, Russian and Australian boxer, three—time champion of the USSR, two-time European and world amateur champion, absolute world champion among professionals, defeated 14 boxers for the world title.
My role:
The customer requested to develop a multi-page website for a boxing sports workshop. My main task was to develop a website that was supposed to tell about the event and attract new participants. After conducting an interview with the customer and conducting an audience analysis, I structured the information and created an interactive prototype of the site, after testing it, I made the necessary edits and started developing it. As a result of my work, the client received a website that talk about the event, answer to all questions of the future participant and made it easier to sell tickets.
Let’s discuss your project! Feel free to write to me:)
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